firstly, i packed up most of our technology. all that's left is the computer, the Wii, & one TV. so this lady, who used to watch 4-6 hours of tv a day, now watches none.
now my husband and i spend every evening talking and reading. (right now he's reading "Quitter" by John Acuff and i'm reading "48 Days to the Work You Love" by Dan Miller.)
the past week of talking has sparked a dream in my heart.
hubs and i have always talked about him staying home to focus full time on his art, like he did before we had kids. with our youngest rapidly approaching school age it seems to be getting close to that time!
there are a few things that need to be accomplished before i can be comfortable with that actually happening.
they are:
- all of our debt (just student loans remain) must be paid off.
- we need to have the entire family covered by health insurance.
- we need to be able to meet all of our financial obligations & our personal financial goals (retirement, etc.) without his income.
- he needs to be creating & selling what he makes so that the art funds the art.
*if* our house sells,
*if* i find a preschool i like for the little one,
*if* i find a full time job that pays 2x the minimum wage,
*if* hubs finds a para job,
*if* we find a live-able house for $30,000 or less to fix up while we live in it,
& *if* we can get a loan for such a tiny amount of money
then we move to minnesota,
then i start work and hubs watches the kids until the school year starts,
then we put his entire paycheck towards our debt & knock them out in 12 months,
then we pay off the house in 2 years,
.... then we purchase a house for around $70,000 and turn the paid off house into a rental.
i know that is a lot of ifs, but the whole scenario puts such a fire in my belly that i want to jump up and down!
none of these things will be possible without God's direct involvement. He will be the reason our house sells or doesn't. He will be the reason we get jobs or don't. our hard work and perseverance is a result of our relationships with Him and the maturity we have developed as a result.
nothing good that has happened to us thus far has come from us, and nothing good that will happen in the future will come from us. ALL OF IT IS A GIFT FROM GOD.
the hubs found this on pinterest the other day and i feel like it perfectly exemplifies where we are in our marriage and in our life right now.
(i don't know who created this image but i found it at
i just want to leap out into the unknown and do things that i am proud of. i want my kids to see their parents follow God, work, create, and laugh together. i want my kids to chase their dreams and do the work it takes to call themselves a Disciple of Christ. i feel like this phase of my life is bursting with possibilities and i thank God for that hope.