Thursday, July 12, 2012

8 out of 30

8) what are 5 passions you have?

  • being an authentic disciple of Christ
  • my marriage
  • my kids
  • art
  • enjoying life

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

7 out of 30

7) what is your dream job, and why?

my dream job has always been teaching at a college or university level.

i adore the idea of choosing my own textbooks and watching the students' minds click when everything they learned in high school starts to click. 

i only have my bachelor's degree right now, so obviously i would have to get some higher education before i can make this a reality.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

6 out of 30

6) what is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?

this question seems almost impossible to answer. who has not been through hard things? at the time didn't they all seem like the hardest thing you had been through?

in order to give some kind of answer, i will say my miscarriages. i lump them into one thing because they occurred within a 6 month period. the pain from the first one blurred into the second one and swallowed my life for over a year. 

up to the moment my youngest daughter was born i was convinced that i would never have another live birth.

i allowed the differences in perspective between my husband and i to become a wedge in our marriage for years. 

i have blogged extensively about this before, so i'll leave it at that.