Monday, February 25, 2013


i hope you can hear this post for what i mean it to say and please don't feel judged. your life is up to you - this blog is about my life only.

i love movies and i LOVE to read.
i know that i have seen movies that are not good for my heart. i know i have read books that have disrupted my walk with God.
however. in the last year i have felt myself called to be weirder than usual. a verse has repeatedly come to mind.

Proverbs 4:23 "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."

i feel like this has specifically been aimed at me, and specifically about what i read and watch.

there are things i aim to cultivate in my life: 1) contentment, 2) joy, 3) peace.

i am content with my husband, my kids, my house, my clothes, my life. but it takes work. it means that sometimes i unfriend people who inspire jealousy, so that i don't forget how blessed i am. it means i don't look at other people or their husbands in a way that would make me wish my husband acted or looked different. (it means i don't watch Magic Mike, or chick flicks, or read 50 shades of grey, or romance novels.)

it means i work with Christian people i respect to come up with Godly strategies to eliminate anger from my life so i can live in peace with people who create drama.

really, i am a spiritual farmer. i work hard everyday to cultivate the fruit i want to harvest. contentment, joy, and peace don't just show up. i have to ask God for them, but i have to be willing to do what He asks me to do in order to get them.